Arrange Flowers

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 15, 2012 12:22 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

Thousands of girls around the world want to learn the secret of floral design. Arranging flowers looks easy, but not until you try to do it yourself.

It appears that the flowers you have at your disposal do not fit the context. Suddenly, you realize that the number of flowers in your vase is not appropriate (you either have them too many or too few). You grow less confident in your flower arrangement skills. However, the situation is not as challenging as you might think. Here, we will open some flower arrangement secrets, so that you have everything you need to surprise your family and friends!

First of all, let’s discuss the main categories of flowers you may have at your disposal. Basically, you need to know that there are line flowers, focal flowers, and filler flowers.

Line flowers are those, whose blossoms stick closely to the stem and which grow straight and tall. Delphiniums, dragons, gladiola and others are all line flowers. These flowers can be used both vertically and horizontally. You yourself choose the way you want these flowers to look in your design.

Filler flowers are those, which have clusters that stick to a single flower head or stem. You can also call filler flowers “transitional”, because you will use them as a unique link, a matter to fill in the spaces between the main elements of your floral composition.

Finally, there are also Focal flowers, which serve the central element of any floral design or composition. The fact is that these flowers are too bright to be hidden from the eye of the viewer. Roses, peonies, and magnolias are all the examples of focal flowers. With the use of focal flowers, you get a central stem to your composition and make it more stable.

Now, let’s see how exactly you can arrange your composition. There are just a number of ways you can use to arrange your floral design, but there are no limits to creativity! So, if you suddenly think of something you have never seen in textbooks or magazine recommendations, feel free to try! You can start with simple horizontal arrangements, when, with the help of a container and glue, you organize your line flowers in a way that keeps them horizontal. You can also use the benefits of vertical arrangement, by using hot glue to secure flowers in a vase and placing these flowers vertically.

Much more complex is the triangular arrangement of flowers in a vase. Here, you use the floral foam to secure the balance of flowers. The highest line flowers are placed in the center of the composition, followed by lower flowers on both sides from the center. Use filler flowers to make the composition more complete.

If you have no time for complex arrangements, the best you can do is to organize a so-called free floral arrangement, with the help of a shallow container and placing the focal flowers all over its perimeter. Add filler flowers to the center of the composition and enjoy the view! Let your family and friends praise your floral arrangement skills!

Tags: line flowers, filler flowers, focal flowers

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