We, ladies living in the age of postmodernism and technologies, have no knowledge of the limitations that were faced by women just a few decades ago

  ( Venus )
By: Venus on August 24, 2012 12:52 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

We don’t know how it can be that a woman cannot find a job simply because she is a woman. We don’t know how it can be that a woman is not allowed to participate in the elections. We do not know what it takes for women to defend their rights

feminismWe just take our freedoms for granted and use them for our own sake. We believe in equality and use it to the fullest. Many of us have become distinguished professionals and famous figures. The number of women CEOs constantly increases. At times, I hear women say that it is all thanks to feminism. Yet, even with so many freedoms at hand, the word “feminism” generates negative connotations. We imagine feminists as women who do not wear skirts, who curse, behave like men and do everything to look like men. Am I right? Not really, and I want to discuss the best and worst sides of the thing called “feminism”.

First of all, I must say that feminism by itself has nothing really bad in it. Feminism is generally defined as a movement, or a number of movements, that seek to define, establish, and defend women’s equal rights with men. The most problematic is the way the word “feminism” is interpreted, and if we have certain negativity about it, this is mainly because the word feminism is used to justify extreme movements and decisions made by women. Today, we are fated to taste the bitter results of these extreme feminist ideals that have actually distorted the very meaning of femininity and equality.

I want to say that there is nothing bad in gender equality. I also believe that women can be equal to men without losing their femininity. However, what do we see today? Skanky clothes, women who are proud of being porno stars, abortions that have become a norm, embryonic cells used to make women forever young. It is the hidden side of the sexual revolution that failed to achieve its purpose. Instead of using their minds as an instrument of personal achievement, women have realized that they should better use their bodies to prove their worthiness to the rest of the world. It appears, that equity and feminism are not the same thing.

Another problem is that feminism is sometimes understood as the philosophy which justifies gender equality and sameness by all means. That is, we must become like men in everything, no matter how hard it can be. Girls, we will never be like men, because we are not men! We need a good job, we need to have election rights, we need equal protection under the Constitution, but we do not need to throw ourselves into male clothes, just to feel equal! We cannot go against biology and evolution. We cannot sacrifice our femininity and beauty. We need to stop, before the world is made of men only! We are ladies, and this is our main benefit!

Tags: feminism, feminists, , gender equality

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