How often do you think that your man is way different from you?

  ( Venus )
By: Venus on August 13, 2012 7:16 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

I bet that every second woman reading this blog thought about gender differences at least once in a lifetime. ‘He doesn’t understand me!’ ‘He only talks to his male friends!’ ‘He’s drinking beer with Dale again, and who am I?’

man and woman‘His socks and shoes around the house make me nuts!’ Do you recognize yourself in any of these dramatic thoughts? Surely, you do. You often think that men were sent to us from another planet, and this is why they can never understand us or at least try to hear what we are saying. However, there are some interesting things about men and women that can help you to find a common language or at least reconcile with the existing differences. Anyway, it is differences, not similarities, that make us interesting and unique!

Let’s avoid the popular discussion of men’s and women’s urinary protocols, and focus on their hygiene rituals. Take a look into your purse and see what you usually have there. Then go to your bathroom and try to describe everything you have in it. How different it is from the things your boyfriend usually keeps in his own bathroom? Definitely, his collection of razors and a piece of soap can never outperform your beauty products, dozens of smaller and larger items you need to look beautiful every single day!

Now let’s turn to your and your man’s bedding requirements. Have you noticed how often your husband falls asleep on the sofa in front of your TV set? Or in his armchair, in front of his laptop? Or spends the night in his cabinet, when he has to work late? Do you know why all this happens – all this happens simply because men can sleep anywhere. Where to sleep does not really matter for men, as long as they want to sleep! In the meantime, you cannot fall asleep without a convenient mattress and a soft pillow under your wonderful head. You need warmth and comfort, because you are a woman. You are tender and emotional, and only a comfortable bed can relieve your daily stresses.

What about food? Ahhh, this is one of the most problematic topics for women, and not because many of us spend our days in hunger, just to look perfect. The main problem is that we can never make our men satisfied with what we buy, what we cook, and what we eat! Our men want meat. They also want meat and meat! And, at the end, they want some beer and potato chips. They also want steaks and burgers every morning and night. As a result, you live your life like in a cheap kitchen drama, without any hope to reach an agreement. We prefer light foods, fruits and vegetables, yogurts and (sometimes) cookies and ice creams! Certainly, we do like burgers and steaks, but not every day, and we simply ask for more tolerance, as there is no man in this world who would not like his woman to look perfect!

Tags: man and woman differences, different boyfriend

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