Women Celebrities and the fight against poverty, hunger, and discrimination

  ( Venus )
By: Venus on August 13, 2012 7:03 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

We often see in the news how men from all over the world go to foreign countries, accompanying cars, ships, and planes with humanitarian aid.

womenEvery day, millions of children around the world suffer from the pain of hunger, poverty, and isolation. Millions of women in the developed world experience physical violence and discrimination. Unfortunately, people forget that thousands of women in all parts of the world participate in broad humanitarian aid campaigns. Being humanitarian-oriented has become popular among women-celebrities. However, the truth is, that only women-celebrities have the money, power, and influence to carry the message of better life and assistance to the poorest countries and communities. As a result, it is at least incorrect to say that women-celebrities do these things to improve their public image. They don’t need it. They already have popularity and recognition. However, once famous, these women acquire sufficient power and financial resources to help other women, men, and children in other countries. Why am I saying all these things? – Mostly because I want the world to see that our famous women greatly contribute to the international fight against poverty and discrimination. As a woman, I am proud that so many other women work together to improve the world in which we live.

Another reason why I speak about all these things here is because I was greatly influenced by a short but informative article in the New York Times. I still remember the words of Katrin Bennhold, the reporter: “As more women acquire the financial muscle to support a cause, they seem to feel a special pull to help other women.” We need to work really hard, to earn enough to promote our living and, at the same time, have something left for others, those whom we don’t know personally but who, as we know, live at the edge of poverty and face violence every day. We have some kind of sympathy and empathy with those who are less fortunate. We have some kind of understanding towards those, who were born in less affluent societies. We have an inner striving to make the world better. Our female experiences make us more sensitive to the problems of other people. As a result, we create groups and communities to provide assistance to other people all over the world.

Look at Annie Lennox, who was very successful in this field. She has created The Circle, with 150 influential women-members and a total budget of almost $2 billion. The organization has been very successful creating and implementing various projects for women in the poor world. It is good to know that at least some women can afford sending their financial and non-financial resources to those, who cannot buy even a piece of bread. This is, actually, one of the important differences between men and women: women usually give more than men and take others’ tragedies and problems as their own. Certainly, we cannot do everything and we are not omnipotent. However, it is within our capabilities to help at least one suffering person. Thank you, women, for being so generous!

Tags: celebrity women, poverty, hunger, isolation, women, humanitarian aid, humanitarian, poor countries, poor communities, famous women, discrimination

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