
Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 16, 2012 11:40 am PST   Flag blog entry   

Thousands of women in this world want to look beautiful. Many of them believe that being beautiful is equal to being thin.

You can easily imagine any of your girlfriends sitting on a diet for weeks and months. It may happen that you also experienced a weird urge to either quit eating at all or eat and throw up to get rid of the extra calories. However, as a reasonable woman, you cannot ignore the fact that these “diet games” often lead to irreversible health outcomes. One of the goals why we have created this blog is because we want our female readers to be healthy. We want to warn them from the most common risks of getting a disease called anorexia. We want to tell them that being thin is possible without any adverse effects to health.

What is anorexia? It is a serious eating disorder characterized by the state of starvation. In other words, girls and boys sick with anorexia have once chosen to starve themselves to half-death. Anorexia is the most common among adolescents, but it is not correct to say that anorexia impacts only adolescents. Adults and even elderly people are vulnerable to its risks, but the puberty age presents the biggest anorexia dangers to human health. This is the time when girls and boys need sufficient nutrition to become healthy adults. Any disruption of their normal diet can easily result in irreversible health changes, up to death.

How do you see that you are sick with anorexia? Normally, anorexia is when your body mass is 15% less than your normal BMI. Your BMI depends on your age, height, weight, and many other physiological characteristics. However, the loss of weight is just one of the major signs of anorexia. Girls who suffer from this eating disorder miss their menstrual periods; for many girls, the loss of 3 and more consecutive periods should become a serious warning sign. Girls who don’t eat in public are, most probably, anorexic. Girls who have brittle skin and experience a serious fear of getting fatter may also experience anorexia. Even when they are approaching a dead weight end, anorexic individuals continue to think that they are fatter than needed. As a result, thinness turns into a fixed idea, a major goal, a race that usually ends when the marathon runner dies. Medical consequences of anorexia are far-reaching and pervasive, from the loss of minerals and muscle function decrease to heart problems and osteoporosis.

What to do if your dieting is turning you into an anorexic girl? Most probably, you should seek a professional advice. In most cases, this advice should come from a psychologist and, only then, from a nutrition specialist, because anorexia is primarily a psychological, not nutritional, problem. Try to quit with friends who support you in being thin: true friends will like you the way you are, without any diets. Think of your future – you are a woman and must be a good mother to your children. With your blind commitment to dieting, motherhood may turn out being an impossible task.

Finally, look at yourself and see yourself in the mirror: you are the most beautiful girl in the world!

Tags: anorexia, healthy adults, BMI, eating disorder

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