Five Great Foods to Support Your Weight Loss

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 16, 2012 1:37 am PST   Flag blog entry   

When you think about weight loss, most times you think about what you can’t have ;-)

From dieting to portion control, many people are mentally defeated by the concept of losing weight because no one really wants to give up everything they love to eat.

However, when you are starting your new weight loss plan, instead of always considering the foods and drink choices that you can’t have you might want to consider the things that you can have. By making a list of things that you can eat, you won’t be as discouraged. To get you started, there are five great food choices that you can add to your list of things that you can eat. When you think of what you “can” you are more likely to lose those pounds.

There are about five essential food choices that you will need to aid you in losing weight effectively. The foods will help to increase your metabolism so that your body will begin to burn the unnecessary calories. When you eat the right foods, you should not feel hungry; instead your body should feel full so that you are not eager for the next meal.

• Vegetables and Fiber – These are both very important factors to losing weight. You need to make sure that you are eating the required fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains for the day. This would include foods such as apples, oranges, lemons, broccoli, and spinach. Fiber sources can come from whole grains such as bread and brown rice. Eating fiber will help you to feel fuller for longer and also assists your digestive system.

• Protein – this is very important. However, you need to understand that lean proteins are what should be added to your weight loss plan. Eating lean protein will help to build and repair your body’s muscles. Protein is great for impacting your metabolic rate which will increase your weight loss. You want to achieve lean muscle tissue so that your body will begin to burn calories at a faster rate. Proteins are also great for helping you feel fuller for longer, as they break down in the body much easier than carbs. You can find a great source of protein from lean chicken, eggs, turkey, tuna, and salmon.

• Fats – This is not a trick! There are fats that are good at helping you to lose weight faster. In fact, your body needs fat to create hormones. If you are not taking in enough of the right fats you body will begin to store what is left in your body in return. Of course this leads to unsightly stomach and thigh fat that is very difficult to get rid of. You need to first do research on what the right types of fat are as well as the daily amount needed to lose weight. Consider trying good fat sources such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, avocados, coconuts, and olive oil.

• Green tea – This food choice has become a highly popular addition to losing weight. Green tea is filled with antioxidants and is great for helping to improve your metabolism. As the antioxidants fight off the free radicals in your body your body will slow down on the aging process which is always a good bonus. It has also been reported that eating hot drinks will help to decrease the amount of food that you eat in a day and helps to ward off those cravings you might have.

• Water – Last but not least in order to effectively lose weight you need to drink lots of water. While people are aware of how important water is to their bodies, many times they do not consume anywhere near the required daily amounts. Water does not have high calories like soda or juice; it does not have artificial sweeteners and additives or contaminants that might be harmful to your body. Water is very beneficial to helping the body function properly and it can also be helpful in assisting with those hunger pains you feel throughout the day.

By incorporating these five food choices into your daily eating routine you are sure to notice a difference in the way that your body feels. These foods are imperative to your body and essential keys to shedding that excess fat. Since this is your own personal journey it is always okay to start of small by introducing each one of these food choices into your routine. Eating these foods will help you feel fuller longer and burn calories throughout the day. In no time at all you will likely start to see the difference in the way your body performs and looks.

Tags: burn calories, portion control, weight loss

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