Are you too Young to Get Married in Your Twenties?

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 16, 2012 12:10 am PST   Flag blog entry   

This is a question I was asked a lot before I got married to my husband of 3 years. How young is too young to get married?

For those of you who married young, I am sure you were faced with the same interrogation methods from friends, family members, and of course the peanut gallery. How do you know if he is the right one? Shouldn’t you be more established as a woman before you jump into marriage? Don’t you think you’re too young to understand what marriage really is? You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, why lock yourself down now... after hearing those questions over and over again, you want to elope and avoid the nonsense.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I contemplated the idea myself, wondering if in fact I would be missing out on “life” by marrying too soon. At this point in my life I was only 23 years old and engaged to be married to the love of my life. Was I making the right decision? Would there be this whole lifestyle of a typical “20 year old” that I might miss if I say I do? Was marriage such a chore that it was not worth the chance or sacrifice? Many of these questions have more than one answer, but during my research and inner discoveries I found the following to be true:

1. Marriage is a serious commitment that will involve a lot of a person’s time, patience, energy, effort, and prayers! LOL… If at twenty you feel you don’t have the time, patience, or energy to deal with one person for the rest of your life, chances are you should wait until you’re ready.

2. Marriage is a partnership, therefore replacing all I’s in your vocabulary for we. Therefore, if you are still in your “all about me” stages you should not consider walking down the aisle. In marriage just about EVERYTHING is shared from your last name right down to your money. There is nothing wrong with being about “self” but marriage is a “selfless” union.

3. Marriage means loving your spouse beyond those “in love” feelings. If you think you’re in love now… wait about a year after you say I do. Once you’ve moved in together and the new habits start to surface and you’re learning to mold two lifestyles into one, your feelings will likely to change. Therefore, if you don’t know your partner too well, you may want to wait it out. (Unless of course you’re Kim K. and don’t mind spending loads of cash on a wedding that last a few months).

4. Marriage means growing up. Some of those old things you used to do, like sleepovers with the girls, late nights at the club, shopping sprees on clothes you’ll never wear, and those other things we twenty somethins like to do will be cut down to a minimum. If you are not ready to sacrifice those things or at least minimize them for family time and building on your marriage, you should wait until you are.

So, in conclusion, I will say this: Marriage is a beautiful union for anyone at any age as long as both parties are ready. In many countries women get married as soon as they are able to bear children, in previous times little girls were married off at 13 and 14 years old, and some of those couples are still married today. So to put an age on marriage is unfair, that would be like saying that at 90 years old you should not consider marriage because you’re too old! Sit back and observe your personal situation for what it is, if you feel that you are ready to give it the old fashioned try, then strut your stuff down that aisle, say “I do” and live happily ever after!

Tags: married young, serious commitment,

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