Ideas for Putting the Flame Back in Your Relationship

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 15, 2012 3:19 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

Let’s face it, ladies, there is a lot of work that goes into keeping a relationship alive. They are very hard work and a lot of us don’t even realize this until we’re at the brink of pulling out our last strand of hair and calling it quits.

When that fresh feeling goes away most of us are not willing to put forth the effort it takes to keep that flame alive. As women, by nature we are the problem solvers and therefore are likely going to be the ones to have to put the pieces back together. If you’re really into the guy you’re with and you believe he is worth the fighting chance then continue to read for outstanding ideas that will surely put that flame back where it belongs.

Of course as women, we are likely the communicators in the relationship. Be that as it may, just because words are coming out of your mouth does not mean that he is effectively listening. Though women are from Venus and men from Mars there are ways in which you can learn to communicate with him. Lack of communication of course can leave old feelings festering inside and therefore you need to get it out. Think of some cool ways to talk to your man on a lighter topic until you work your way up to the big stuff.

Spend Time Together
You might be thinking that this one is a bit much considering you can’t stand to be around each other at the moment. However, the truth is there is a big difference in existing in the same room together and actually spending quality time together. You are watching sports in the kitchen while your partner cooks is not ideal for quality time. Instead check your local listings for movies or shows that you both like, order out so they don’t have to cook and spend time watching television together. Everything that you do for your significant other does not have to cost money; it just has to come from the heart.

Purchase Gifts
As a lady, you’re probably thinking this is the guy’s department (rightfully so), but it can also be a good idea from time to time to pick him up something to let him know that you care. Sometimes we as ladies get so caught up in what our guys do for us, we forget to do for them. (Besides, if you get him a good gift, he will have no choice but to return the favor at some point).

Plan Date Nights
As bearers of the world sometimes as women we wear so many hats that we forget those close to us. Whether you’re a busy working mom or an overworked exec you need to make time for that special guy in your life. Check your schedule and try planning a date night for just the two of you to catch up.
So as you can see the job of a woman is never done. But if you really enjoy that special someone you have in your life right now, sometimes you have to put aside your feelings and show him what he means to you.

Tags: plan date nights, flame back

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