Great and Untraditional Ways to get Great Abs

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 15, 2012 2:54 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

So, the summer is over and therefore it is time to let your diet go and plump up for the winter right? Wrong!

Just because the halter tops and bathing suits are getting put away doesn’t mean that you simply let your hard work fall by the wayside. Staying in shape all year long will help you more than you might realize. Getting in shape helps you to continue to do what you do best…. Be a woman.

As women one of the most troubling places to lose weight from is likely the mid-section. Belly fat develops as a result of poor dieting, stress, and lack of exercising. However, being a woman requires you to be stressed, eat whatever you can grab quickly, and never allows enough time in a day to complete exercises. So what do you do to keep that waist line looking great when you don’t have the time?

There are tons of exercises that you can do that only require a few minutes of your time. You can do them from the comfort of your own home making it more convenient than trying to join a gym class. Take a look at two of the best exercises for trying to get those attractive abs that are well toned with a feminine touch.

To start toning the waistline you can easily do this with a hula hoop! Who knew that getting great hips can be done with a childhood toy from your home? Using hula hoops are great because they are different from traditional gym exercises and can reap the same benefits if done properly. You will need to of course purchase a hoop that has weight to it so it is easy to move around the hips. You will need to do the hula hooping for about ten minutes per day in 15 second intervals. The great thing that women love about this exercise is that its not your typical crunches that leave you feeling in pain the next day. They are fun to accomplish and can be done in between commercials while you watch television.

Another nontraditional exercise that is great for working out those abs and the midsection is known as the vacuum pose. This pose is very simple to do and helps with providing internal tensions to your abdominal walls. As the tension is created it helps in tightening and toning your abs which can help you loose up to three inches in just a month!

With results like that, its no wonder everyone is not walking around doing this pose. To perform this you will need to suck your stomach in to your belly button. You will then hold that pose for intervals of 15 seconds. As time goes on you can increase the pose to 30 seconds for more intense results. If you do this for about five minutes per day you will certainly begin to see the difference in your abs. The great thing about exercises such as these is they are designed for a woman on the go. If you are running late for a meeting, you can start doing the vacuum pose while seated in the car!
Staying in shape all year long might seem like a difficult task, but as you can see with just a few minutes out of your day you’re able to do exercises that are not complex and see results in as little as a month. So why not try these two moves out and put the results to the test.

Tags: best exercises, attractive abs, vacuum pose

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