Women soldiers

  ( Venus )
By: Venus on August 15, 2012 5:57 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

Women-soldiers? No way! I can’t believe that so many ladies choose to become warriors! However, I cannot deny the statistics, and it is clear that more women enter the U.S. Army every year.

woman soldierIs it that they are unhappy with their peaceful lives? Nobody knows for sure. However, it seems important that more military departments and team open their doors to women.

I cannot imagine myself being a warrior, but for thousands of women, being in the military has become a matter of life vs. death. They want to be brave and hard, and being in the Army is, probably, the only way to show the force and power of women to the fullest. This is where no one will say that you talk as if you were a man. No one will say that you are too dirty to go out. It’s a war, and the conditions of wartime can be quite challenging. Women who choose to go to the Army must realize all these things.

However, I don’t mean to say that women who serve their terms in the Army are peculiar or different from those women who do not want to be warriors. I myself suppose that there is nothing bad in having a woman in the army. It’s like being open with oneself and realizing that being in the Army is better than being elsewhere. It’s like being one’s real self, without any sense of shame or confusion. More important (at least to me) is the fact that the army professionals finally come to understand that women, too, have the right to be strong and powerful. I am not surprised at what I read in newspapers. Today, the New York Times writes that a course for training marine offices has finally become open to women. It’s a step forward to equality between men and women. It’s a step forward to accepting women with their wishes and desires, without limitations. A military woman has everything a non-military woman has. She is beautiful and fit. She is smart and proactive. The only thing is that she wears a uniform.

For many women, going to the army is a good test to endurance. We women often want to test the limits of our capabilities and skills. We want to know how much we can do without men’s help. We also want to know how much more we can do, when we feel that our capabilities are becoming limited.

Women are experimenters by nature, and this is one of the most outstanding features the nature has ever given to females. They are not afraid of difficulties, and they are ready to fight for their happiness. Women have already proved that they can work, drive, and be bosses. Now they are willing to prove they can be warriors, too. In the army, there are no gender distinctions, and everyone fights, based on his/her skills, knowledge, and endurance. You wear a uniform, and no one cares what you carry inside. You are a warrior and your task is to fight!

Tags: women soldiers, women warriors, women, army for women, brave women, war, military

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