All ladies want to be fashionable.

  ( Venus )
By: Venus on August 11, 2012 1:30 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

They look for fashionable clothes and purses. They seek to look more fashionable than their female friends. They believe that fashion will become a key to their success.

women fashionHowever, most ladies simply do not know what fashion is and how it can be described. I think that understanding the concept of fashion is important for everyone. Otherwise, we won’t be able to distinguish between fashionable and non-fashionable trends. We will not be able to decide who is fashionable and what to do, in order to look and behave fashionable. We definitely need to understand what fashion is. In this blog, we will try to describe the concept in detail.

Fashion is commonly used to describe the style of clothes worn by the prevailing majority of women. Things usually remain fashionable for 1-3 years. Then, another fashion comes to change individual preferences and tastes. Definitely, fashion is directly related to tastes. Fashion changes our tastes and choices. Like many other women, we come to a fashion store, looking for a particular type of clothing, shoes, bags, or accessories. Just a few weeks ago, many of us would not imagine ourselves wearing this particular sort of things. However, fashion changes our minds. We want to look modern and one step ahead of time. This is why we choose things that are claimed to be fashionable.

However, today, it is never easy to decide what fashion is. We live in the age of changes. We live in the age of diversity. Everything changes, and there are no standards of fashion today, simply because these standards change, too. Today, we have more freedom of fashion decisions, because we look for comfort. Fashion simply sets the basic trends, and we do the rest. We know that, this year, silk and furs are the most fashionable, but how we use them is absolutely up to us. Those who want to look fashionable can certainly pay attention to what people wear in the street. They also need to read fashion magazines. They may watch fashion channels and read designer interviews. However, the most important thing is comfort. Remember, that you need to feel comfortable in everything you wear. You may look modern and rich, but if you look uncomfortable, you are not fashionable! Today’s fashion provides freedom of choosing the most comfortable things, and you can always wear something that is both fashionable and convenient.

Remember, that fashion is something more than clothes. You need to behave appropriately, in order to look fashionable. Clothes and accessories alone cannot make you fashionable, if you do not know the rules of etiquette, smoke and drink, or curse after every second word. Fashion is not about clothing; it is about way of life. Being fashionable is a philosophy. Fashion is not only what you wear but how you express yourself, your uniqueness and worldviews through your clothes and behaviors. In any, even the most fashionable, trend, the most difficult task is to be oneself. Do not lose your own self for the sake of even the most fashionable clothes! Challenge the world through your fashionable self!

Tags: fashion, fashionable, womens fashion, fashion trends, what is fashion, style, clothes, fashion taste, fashionable clothes, fashion accessories

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