Great Advice to a Long Lasting Relationship

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on October 26, 2012 4:02 am PST   Flag blog entry   

If you’ve found your significant other and you believe you want to spend the rest of your life with them, you should know that it is going to take a lot of hard work on both ends, however, it is something that can be accomplished.

Below you will find some great advice given by couples who have been married and standing strong for years:

Accept Each Other
You should accept your partner for whom he or she is. This does not just include their strengths, but also their weaknesses. Never try to change your partner to match your own needs as this will eventually begin to turn them away from you and ruin your relationship. Time certainly brings about pet peeves and old habits that you may not be interested in, but you need to let those things go and jut love them for who they are.

Trust Each Other
There is no long term relationship without trust as it is one of the main keys to sticking together through the good and the bad. If you do not trust one another you’re going to notice very soon that your relationship will begin to deteriorate right before your eyes. If you find that you’re insecure, possessive, or jealous, this could drive a serious wedge between you and your significant other leading to an unsuccessful relationship. While these are all human feelings you might want to seek help to get them under control.

Strengthen Communication
Communication is another big factor in making a relationship last. Whether you’re talking about how your day was at work or you’re discussing your children, finances, and other concerns it is important that you are able to speak openly and freely with each other about this. Communication also means listening, therefore you should not always be the one doing the talking or you cannot hear what your partner has to say.

Show Affection
When you just meet your significant other you are more likely to show signs of affection towards them. As you begin living with them on the regular basis, this can become something that is not done very often. Both women and men need affection in their own way, and therefore you should be sure to continually show affection in a way that is suitable to your partner to let them know that you still care.

Keep The Romance Going!
Last, but not least you have to keep your romance alive in your relationship. Sure things such as work, school, children, and finances can make it complicated to go out and court as you once did, but this should not discourage you. Find nice little ways to spend time with one another and really keep things interesting to keep the love alive. By going out of your way to do things to show your partner that you care, you are definitely doing your part to keep the romance alive and the relationship should certainly continue to flourish with time.

Tags: relationship, romance

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