Get Motivated: Losing Weight Starts with You

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on October 26, 2012 3:57 am PST   Flag blog entry   

Losing weight is a challenge for anyone. Everyone is different, therefore, everyone’s body will react differently to certain diets and exercising routines.

However, if you’ve noticed that you have been actively trying to lose weight for several months with no real results, you might want to reevaluate things. Losing weight is only part physical, the other part is mental. Depending on your reasoning behind losing weight you have to have the right state of mind to keep going. Getting motivated is one of the hardest things for most people to do. Because losing weight is not an overnight occurrence many people begin to become discouraged by the lack of results.
When you work really hard you want to see the benefits of it, however, with weight loss that is not always the case. In order to one day reach your ultimate weight goal you have to start by empowering yourself to go forward everyday. Below are some ideas on how you can keep yourself motivated while losing weight.

Set Small Goals

Sometimes lack of motivation can creep up on you when you least expect it. In the beginning stages of losing weight you feel great and typically set high expectations for the first few weeks. While there are some people who work out and see results in a week this may not be the case for you. Setting small goals will help you to stay motivated. Start small and if you notice that you are surpassing your goals each week then increase the goals. Place your goals somewhere that you will see them every morning as a great motivator for the day.

Create Incentives

Depending on how much weight you are trying to lose your journey could be a long one. Sometimes seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but never feeling like you’re going to reach it can be a real depressing situation. Therefore, you should think about creating incentives that will help you stay motivated during those hard times. For instance, you can set a goal to lose 5 pounds in one month. If you reach that goal you can reward yourself with some clothes, jewelry, a night out, or a sweet treat. Rewarding yourself for your progress will keep you motivated to continue.

Enlist Supportive Friends

This last one is great. If you have loving and supporting friends or family members that are also trying to lose weight or have recently lost weight you can ask them to help you stay motivated. Sometimes trying to lose weight on your own can be a bit scary and even lonely. Having friends by your side to push you closer towards your goal is a great way to lose the weight. When you are with your friends your workouts become more meaningful and your diets don’t seem as bad. With the right company around you, you will likely lose the weight sooner than you thought.

Staying motivated can definitely be hard. If you are new to trying to lose weight you might find that you quit and restart your journey several times. It is important however, that if you are going to lose the weight that you keep trying no matter how many times you think you might have failed. If you can get your mind to believe that you can do it, your body will follow suit.

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