Effective Ways to Lose Weight without Going on a Diet

Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on October 23, 2012 5:29 am PST   Flag blog entry   

When you hear the word “diet” it can be a bit intimidating. Who wants to participate in something that has the word die in the beginning of it?

Not to mention most people trying to lose weight associated the word diet with starvation. When you read about diets you hear about charting, keeping food diaries, counting calories, and a laundry list of foods that you cannot eat. If losing weight begins to feel like a chore, more than likely you’re going to quit trying.

Despite what you may have heard about effectively losing weight you do not have to go on a diet to achieve a healthier, happier you. There are lots of alternatives that you can try that will leave you feeling much happier about yourself as well as your journey to lose weight. Most of these alternatives to dieting listed below are minor changes that you will have to make to your eating habits and personal lifestyle, but the affects of these changes will be major.

• Eat Breakfast Daily – Many people trying to lose weight decide to skip out on meals. Not eating will never equate to a healthier body. In fact, the most common meal skipped in a day is breakfast. This is a serious 'no', 'no' that you should correct right away. Breakfast is the single most important meal of the day. Why? Because it provides your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to burn fat throughout the day. It helps you to feel fuller throughout the day which will in turn encourage you to eat smaller meals at lunch and dinner.

• Eat Smaller Portions – You should never eat until your stomach is filled to capacity. Eating too much food will leave you feeling bloated and less likely to be motivated throughout the rest of the day. If you start to feel sluggish or tired, chances are, you’ve eaten too much in one sitting. Therefore, eating more frequent smaller meals is ideal. Smaller portion sizes will help to increase your metabolism and get those calories burned in no time. It is recommended that you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least one snack daily. The trick however is to watch how much you eat and therefore purchasing portion control gadgets might help you in this area. By simply scaling back the amounts you eat throughout the day you are sure to see improvements in your overall weight.

• Avoid Junk Foods – this is a big culprit for many people trying to lose weight. For junk food to taste so good, it can sometimes be blinding to understand the real affects it has on your body. You cannot remove junk food from the entire world, and therefore, starting with your home is the best bet. Go through your kitchen cabinets and drawers and remove all things that are considered junk foods or sweet treats. By removing the temptation from your sight you will eventually stop longing to have such foods. If you are not ready to eliminate them altogether, you can also consider monitoring the portions you eat. Instead of sticking your hand into a large bag of chips, you can get sandwich bags and place smaller amounts in them. That way as you get the urge for a salty or sweet treat at least the affects won’t be as damaging as consuming more than a portion size.

Implementing these few tips will help you to lose weight much faster than you can imagine. Loosing weight does not have to be a chore, nor do you have to change your entire life around to accomplish it. Trying these minor steps will give you drastic results with patience and motivation.

Tags: going on a diet, lose weight, eating habits, healthier body

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