
Dasja Ashbrook ( Tiffany )
By: Tiffany on September 15, 2012 2:15 pm PST   Flag blog entry   

More and more celebrities become well-known for their bad reputation rather than their achievements. It seems to be that bad reputation has become an extraordinary source of enormous material profits.

You profit as long as you are online. You profit as long as people talk about you. It does not really matters whether they talk good or bad things – the most important is that they are looking for your name on Google.

If you think that having a bad reputation is just a matter of business and poor character, you are deeply mistaken. Having a bad character and bad reputation has already grown into a huge industry! Believe it or not, if you read the article published in the Guardian (and I know it’s a quite reliable source of information), you will learn that there is a new profession here called “reputation manager” – a person who is fully responsible for managing your public reputation in ways that brings considerable material profits to both the “owner” of the character and the manager himself.

You should be surprised to learn that “reputation managers” do not simply develop and help to maintain one’s positive image. They help to develop a negative image and keep it public, if it fits the purpose and brings more profits than a positive one. However, of course, in most cases, these reputation so-called managers work hard to make sure that their clients present themselves to the public in the best possible light. Take a look at Kate Moss: they say she has hired the so-called reputation manager to beat her negative scores and advance her positive public image. Now, if you Google her name, positive stories about Kate Moss will be the first to come. In case of Paris Hilton, and reporters at Guardian are, probably, correct, news about her being held by police for carrying marijuana represent a perfect object of analysis for reputation managers. Many of them would love to delete these news posts and create a new story about Paris Hilton for a considerable sum of money. So, bad reputation is turning into business, isn’t it?

Lindsay Lohan says: having a bad reputation is much better than having no reputation at all. However, is it worth losing your face and self-worth just for the sake of being popular? Is it worth being in top news for being caught drunk of carrying marijuana in your bag, instead of trying to do something that will make people remember you for years? To girls who think that bad reputation is better than nothing at all, I would say: beware of people who sell themselves for the sake of cheap publicity and temporary profits. In other words, beware of yourself! Those who use their bad reputation to achieve greater publicity will never keep their popularity in this competitive world. In the world of cruelty and terrorism, the public is looking for kindness and tolerance. They all want to be loved and cherished. If you seek popularity and reputation, try to make this reputation good; eventually, this is the best way to generate material and emotional profits.

Tags: reputation managers, emotional profits

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